When Can I Start Puppy Training Charlotte nc?

Using positive dog training, it’s a great idea to start training your puppy immediately!

The benefits of starting with puppy classes charlotte nc as soon as possible include:

  • It’s easier for you!
  • It’s easier for the dog to learn that you are the source of all the amazing things
  • It’s easier to avoid habits that take a lot of effort to change
  • It’s faster and takes fewer repetitions for you to learn how to train it the right way the first time

Yes! Early training is the best. Learn more about our Puppy School program for puppies between 8 weeks and 5 months of age.

At 2-4 Months, Build positive experiences with the world:

Immediately when the puppy comes home, teach the puppy:

  • Loud noises are okay
  • Walking on different surfaces is good
  • Children, men and new people are good
  • Healthy dogs are nice to see and hear
  • Cars are fun to ride in

When we see fear in puppies before the age of 16 weeks, it is a red flag that the puppy needs more positive experiences with that particular stimulus. If this need is ignored then the puppy oftentimes grows up to be fear aggressive.

Puppy classes are a great way to socialize your puppy and teach them that dogs and new people are safe and fun. Learn more about our puppy potty training charlotte nc

At 2-3 Months, Teach Your Puppy the Routine:

Immediately when the puppy comes home, teach the puppy:

  • Where his food and water bowls are located
  • What times of day he will eat
  • Where his bed and his crate are
  • Where his potty area is
  • Where his toys are kept

puppy training weddingtonAt 2-3 Months, Crate Train Your Puppy:

For a new puppy, a crate is a very important tool for puppy potty training. When your puppy is used to being in the crate, it will make car rides to the veterinarian and groomer safer.

Teach your puppy to love his crate by hiding rewards in his crate, storing his toys in his crate and placing his food bowl in the crate when it is mealtime.

At 2-3 Months, Begin Potty Training Your Puppy:

At 2 months, most breeds won’t have the ability to “hold it” beyond a few minutes. At 3-4 months most breeds will be capable of telling you that they need a visit to the potty area. But don’t delay establishing the right habits. Potty training your puppy begins the day you bring your puppy home. Take the puppy out after meals, after drinking water, after waking up and when the puppy is active at least once an hour. Help the puppy learn that doing their business in the outside potty area is the best place to go and your puppy will be potty trained as soon as his little organs are able to cooperate.

If you establish the wrong habits, potty training your puppy will become a nightmare. Prevention of potty accidents in the house is the number 1 goal.

Get your complete guide for how to potty train a puppy

At 2-3 Months, Begin Teaching Your Puppy that Patience and Self-Control are Rewarded:

Most behaviors that we want our puppies to do don’t involve the puppy diving for whatever they desire. Coming when called, walking nicely on a leash and staying when told all involve the puppy learning to have self-control and patience and learning to listen to you instead. Teach your puppy to stay until you say OK for meals and while you put on his leash and while you open doors. Learn more about our Puppy School program where we teach amazing self-control.

Play this fun game to teach your dog impulse control


Early Training gives you Free Training!

Self-control taught early is a lot easier and it generalizes easier. Essentially if you teach them not to jump on the couch early enough then they never jump up on any surface ever. Early training makes it easier for everyone- you and for the dog.

Learn more about our Puppy School training program for a well-behaved family dog!

We offer In Home puppy training Charlotte and Classes for Puppy obedience training Charlotte NC.